Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Differences between cultures

After doing some research, I have concluded that research in Spain is conducted both similarly and differently to the way research is conducted in the United States.  In business ethics in Spain, Spaniards stress the importance in getting to know the person handling the business transactions before he or she can be trusted.  In addition, Spaniards appreciate face to face, personal business actions instead of by phone or email.  Public relations research is not something that is widely practiced in Spain.  Spanish public relations practitioners are really only known for producing press releases.  Another way that Spanish PR practitioners differ is that most do not have degrees in PR but rather, in journalism.
If I was to conduct research in Spain for a PR project, I would have to realize that Spaniards are not used to this type of research, which means they would need to be persuaded to trust what I’m doing.  The uncertainty avoidance index in Spain is very high, which shows that people will have a more difficult time believing that research is important in the development of public relations.  A PR practitioner would have to show that he or she can be trusted by using ethical approaches.  If a practitioner slips up, in no way, would research methods of PR be accepted.
It is important to note that different values and customs play a role in how a practitioner should conduct research.  I found an interesting article regarding a difference in values and customs across the world.  This article talks about the controversy regarding the placement of a mosque at Ground Zero.  It explains what Americans tend to forget about the Islamic religion, which is actually a religion that promotes peace.

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